Sixty….seconds that is. It all started a few days back when the snow began. It was really coming down. We haven’t had much around here which is not the norm. Actually can you believe I haven’t shot in the snow at all this season yet! So this was a must do! Off to the closet I went to see what we could whip together. Tone on tone- I knew that much . I really try to pay attention to keeping tonal harmony in my images. I love texture too and layering- so there ya have it. Some fur- brocade- and lace….crown that is. You probably have noticed I shoot a lot with these beautiful crowns. Well- I think everyone should feel like royalty plus it is super fun!
If The Crown Fits is a beautiful little shop with all sorts of pretties for you princess. Clothes- check, snow- check, crown- check, happy child- well……..
Really it was pretty much over before it started. See that shot near the end of the set. Yep- that is my baby girl throwing really cold and wet snow. It was all down hill from there. The stinging pain of frostbitten hands pretty much stinks more than anything
That’s it.
Wait- I lied. That wasn’t it. I was pretty discouraged by the screeches of my sweet girl, that when one of my best friends Taryn, from Blu Hippo Photography, came over she insisted that I go jump into some clothes and get in there. How convenient to have a BFF be a photog ; – ) Since my girlie was still dressed and the baby had woken up game was on. At least for another 60 seconds.
Good stuff in no time flat ; – )
Thanks T- xoxo. I love this image of me and my girls sooo much. Now my next mission is my boys! Stay tuned. Happy Valentine’s Day!
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