
Big Birthday Weekend | Pittsburgh Professional Photography

Wow. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed today. It is THE birthday weekend. The first birthday of my last baby. I am having such a hard time letting go. In just 24 hours I will not have any babies left in the house!!!
With the tress turning about a month early and my sweet baby girl as pleasant as could be-  we snuck out while we could for a few images to celebrate her.

She is such a blessing in my life. Her personality is easy going- funny- silly- and tender. She is quite the cuddler and has some killer kisses. Oh and she totally loves music- you can see her rockin out a bit here too.

And she looks like my grandma <3


Sassy Pants | Pittsburgh Professional Photography

Are there really words for this? If you have ever had the pleasure to meet her- you’d get it.

my larger than life 26 lb star.

More good things to come in the next few days, but I just couldn’t hold this one back.

Good night beautiful people!


sixty | Pittsburgh Professional Photography

Sixty….seconds that is. It all started a few days back when the snow began. It was really coming down. We haven’t had much around here which is not the norm. Actually can you believe I haven’t shot in the snow at all this season yet! So this was a must do! Off to the closet I went to see what we could whip together. Tone on tone- I knew that much . I really try to pay attention to keeping tonal harmony in my images. I love texture too and layering- so there ya have it. Some fur- brocade- and lace….crown that is.  You probably have noticed I shoot a lot with these beautiful crowns. Well- I think everyone should feel like royalty plus it is super fun!

If The Crown Fits is a beautiful little shop with all sorts of pretties for you princess. Clothes- check, snow- check, crown- check, happy child- well……..

Really it was pretty much over before it started. See that shot near the end of the set. Yep- that is my baby girl throwing really cold and wet snow.  It was all down hill from there. The stinging pain of frostbitten hands pretty much stinks more than anything

That’s it.

Wait- I lied. That wasn’t it. I was pretty discouraged by the screeches of my sweet girl, that when one of my best friends Taryn, from Blu Hippo Photography, came over she insisted that I go jump into some clothes and get in there.  How convenient to have a BFF be a photog ; – ) Since my girlie was still dressed and the baby had woken up game was on. At least for another 60 seconds.




Good stuff in no time flat  ; – )

Thanks T- xoxo. I love this image of me and my girls sooo much. Now my next mission is my boys! Stay tuned. Happy Valentine’s Day!

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the way i view……… new beginings | Pittsburgh Professional Photography

A good friend of mine has been urging me to do a 365 project- where you shoot and post your image of every day of the year. She had stressed to me how quickly time goes by and how my littlest is quickly approaching ONE! To be able to have those captures- really watching them grow up right before your eyes sound amazing. Well- in a perfect, one child, stay at home mom life- I might have, but let’s get real!I have THREE kiddos- one with special needs- a full time business, and a crazy workaholic hubby. Um- nope. not gonna happen. I know my limits!

So when the opportunity arose to join in on this project I was game. Once a month- now I can handle that- maybe. For the next year myself along with 11 other talented photographers are challenging ourselves to get out and show you all how we see things. I will be linking to their blogs as well so you can travel though their work and see “the way they view….”. (Now I jumped in a tad late, so next month I promise to be stellar- It did force me to shoot more my sweet baby girl- albeit in my PJs in the yard ! Man – My neighbors think I am crazy for sure!!) I promise to be better prepared next month.

With this project, I hope to have many if not all of my posts featuring my children. I hate that I take beautiful portraits of so many other families, but Christmas pictures once a year is the best my kiddos get.

2012 is a year of purpose. It is about making it worth it. This project is part of my contribution to them…my kiddos…my life…why I do this.

Come with me and follow along to see “the way I view……..”.

So with my mommy goggle strapped on tight

…….. new beginnings.

Be sure to continue on with the circle to see how other photographers see things……….

Jennifer Dell Photography is up next!