Oh how I love my clients. I love when we cross from the realms of client to friend. I am so thrilled to be part of this fun time in their family.
They have so many great things happening in their lives right now that it really is “like a bowl of cherries”
~now enjoy these treats~
OHHH! I almost forgot to tell you!!!!!!!
Remember how I said I was going to design on a dime? Rememer how I always say to rock what you have? Well maybe you don’t have a million dollars to style your session- or maybe there are no local stores for you to shop- well maybe, just mabe, all of this styling came right from
Like head to toe! All three family members with accessories and shoes plus another outfit for mom1 And guess what the best part was?
Everything in these looks combined was under $200. Okay $197 to be exact!!!!!!!!
Now get out there and rock what you’ve got!!!
And good night
These are amazing!!! So beautiful and creative. Gorgeous family!