
fall | Pittsburgh Professional Child Photographer

I go back and forth on how many images to blog. I always love so many and want everyone else to get to love them too.

But sometimes I want it to be a surprise for the parents. And sometimes it just depends on what time of night I finish editing ; – )

This post will fall into the former–lots and lots of pictures. I just couldn’t get enough of these kiddos. They live in such a gorgeous place- rich with history and beauty.

So I hope the parents and grandma (   <——-she’s the stylist here ; – ) love the images!!!



  1. Great Job Tiff! They are fantastic the lighting and apples…. I am sure both Mom and Grammy will L-O-V-E them!
    Oh and of course love the clothing….hehe

  2. I absolutely loooove these – the colors are beautiful and the kids are so adorable. I love the apples spelling the names.

  3. Oh my, these are freaking fabulous! Umbrellas have always been my favorite props. I LOVE the photos you got with it:) But I might have to add apples now. Such a cute idea!

  4. Great job, what an amazing session! I love the attention to the details, the styling is incredible as well as the posing!

  5. What awesome interactions you have between them! I would *die* to have some shots like these of my two girls once they’re older.