
we are family| Pennsylvania Newborn Photography

Sharing a few more images of our newly expanded family.  Funny how she is just 23 days old and it feels like I have know her forever. baby-Brittan-day-seven-4wm







the impossible shot.



  1. Wow!!! What awesome pics and such a gorgeous family!!! You are truly blessed!!! :) Cant’ wait to see more!!

  2. Totally LOVE the impossible shot… you captured one of those for us, too, if I do recall:) LOVE it, love you sweetie… so happy for you… BEAUTIFUL family;)

  3. The picture with your two girls together is stunning, and the “impossible shot” turned out amazing. Congratulations on capturing this sweet time!

  4. You have a wonderfully gorgeous family and congratulations on your beautiful new addition. I know what it’s like to change your baby’s name once you ‘feel’ who they are – our little boy Riley was named Taj for a week before we called him Riley…..everyone thought we were mad but we knew who he really was :-)