
sisters in bloom | Philadelphia Children & Family Photographer


If sisters were flowers, I’d still pick you.
I’d let the sun shine so you’d never be blue.
I’d show the world how beautifully you grew,
with bright bold colors and strength through & through.
If sisters were flowers, I’d pick you right away.
Because you cheer me up and bring smiles each day.
If sisters were flowers, for what it’s worth.
I’d always pick you … the best sister on earth.

Author: Gina Lauchner


Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms



magic garden | Pittsburgh Child and Family Photographer

Hey hey….its been forever.

The holiday are wicked busy around here and I’m super excited to show you what we’ve been upto the last few months. Get ready for a plethora of blog post in the next few week…ya, I used plethora, hehe.

These images take me back to long days and golden light, ahhhhh.

All edited with preset from PHOTOGRAPHER’S TOOLS, our online editing tools store. Pittsburgh Penguins Child and Family Portraits Craig Adams adams-fb-12wm


Roots | Pittsburgh Child and Family Portrait Photographer

There are two gifts we should give our children: One is roots, and the other is wings.

Edited with our presets from the Photographers Tools collection <3


Having a ball | Pittsburgh Child and Family Portrait Photographer

What a better way to spend a summer day than playing with sidewalk chalk, bouncy balls, and just plain using your imagination.  These kiddos were full of ideas and were thrilled when we showed up with loads of toys! :-) To say the least….we had a ball <3

Edited with Green Garden from our new Magical Collection at Photographers Tools
Swing by the shop and grab yours today!


vincent 2014-43WM