If sisters were flowers, I’d still pick you.
I’d let the sun shine so you’d never be blue.
I’d show the world how beautifully you grew,
with bright bold colors and strength through & through.
If sisters were flowers, I’d pick you right away.
Because you cheer me up and bring smiles each day.
If sisters were flowers, for what it’s worth.
I’d always pick you … the best sister on earth.
Author: Gina Lauchner
Cherry Blossoms
Experience a Day of Whimsy in the Big Apple
.one hour in studio photoshoot for one little girl
.choose from a set of ALL NEW couture dresses
.eight to ten images digital delivered
.hair and makeup provided
*limited spots available *
for girls ages 6 months to 8 years
*add up to 3 girls per one hour shoot…additional investment applies – email us at tiffany@munchkinsandmohawks.com
*please update special instruction at checkout with your daughters clothing and shoe size*
Returning feeling so inspired from another trip to Salt Lake City, Utah. There is something about this place that get my creativity flowing and my heart filled up.
For years I have been blessed to work with the amazingly talented stylists at Koko Blush & Co. Finally we had the chance to make some magic together in person. The collaboration process with other creatives is literally like something I have never experienced. I think when we are all starting out in our creative journeys, we feel like we need to make things on our own, but as I grow in my craft t becomes so much more clear how working with others makes an explosion of innovative ideas. We make each other better artists. We cause the other to stretch and dream. It is a beautiful thing……..a dream, really.
Thank you Koko Blush, Emily Burke Photography, and Bloom and Grow Photography for making me a better person/ artist/ friend.
Love you!
Preset PURE used on these images
This lovely family traveled all the way from California to create some magic with us, and of course, we just happened to “find” our very own little orange orchard
All photos edited with Candy from the new Magical Collection at Photographer’s Tools <3